Holy SHIT!! It's 2005!! The Stuff We've Done!!
Local Car Shows, Cruises, Swap meets, you know, like stuff we do.

Birds of Prey in the Southwestern Desert
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Bill's "Flaming Death" Swap-O-Rama!

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Pictures from the 2005 Smash!

Altamont Cruiser's show in Livermore

Warning!! Lots o' pictures!!

Least Important Car Show 2005!

Big Sur Camping Trip


Bill's 1969 Dodge Coronet

Finally got the Coronet moving today. Took a while to get the Holley rebuild kit, and then get everything working and tuned properly. Runs better now than when I parked her 18 months ago. Not surprising, now that I know how to tune the idle properly, and set the manual choke...

She looks a bit rough, I know, but Iım working on it. Now the real work begins; steering box, dash wiring, stereo, fuel sender unit. Gotta fix that hood, too, the little filler strip on the bottom front edge is not bolted in at the moment.

Her little face is a bit pushed in, I have to take the grille off and get a look at that lower valence. Iıll send better pix when the sun comes back out, and Iıve washed the dust off.

See you on the road!

Steve's 1971 Dodge Dart

We go do the John's Burger thing, then a party breaks out! Mass consumption of beer ensues!

Steve's first time "hot rodding" something.

That's one greasy lump of Mo-Power!

Here it is nestled in the engine compartment with a hot new cam, headers, and four barrel. All this because a freeze plug was leaking!

Ian sends us a picture of his father's Cuda and his own Formula Firebird. If you haven't gotten a ride in Ian's Fire Chicken, you have got to! It's like a brand new car nice wrapped up in an eye-appealing package!

Ian's Bird is hustling down the quarter in 13.59 @ 103.178 mph, while still pulling 18.7MPG on the way home.

Tony's Cuda is running 13.8's @ almost 101, but Ian said it needs more cam and intake to go faster. Way to go guys!!

click on the picture for linky

WARNING: loads of pictures; slow Connections proceed with patience.

Mopars North of the Gate

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What I did Sunday!!! (6/06/05)

Mopar Alley Ralley

We started by loading the truck with our spare garbage.

The truck didn't make it.

3 1/2 miles before Ohlone College the truck decided to blow chunks.

Greg saved our butts and we got the goods to the swapmeet!

CLICK HERE for Pictures of Cars!!

Paso Robles 2005

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CARS (left to right):
Jimmy's '73 Plymouth Scamp, Jeremy's '51 Chevy Truck, Brian's VW Bug, Jon's VW Bug,
Greg's '68 Chevy Truck, Scott's '52 Plymouth Business Coupe, Dan's '54 Chevy

Suicide style front suspension, picture taken at a Model A swapmeet in Campbell, for Kyle who was considering running this style on his Model A.

Some dorks in front of the swapmeet. You can't see him, but there was a guy behind us to the right who claimed Craigslist.com was created by the devil, and infected his computer with viruses, which is why he was moving to Colorado. Those are the doors I bought for my Model A, already chopped and $15. Chop!! Chop!!

Kyle begins making his Model A frame!

I missed it, but Janelle took some photos of Greg doing the hot new sport......

There's at least a foot of air UNDER the back of the hoist! We are professionals, folks, do NOT attempt this at home!

This was Greg's second engine he'd pulled in two days, and they were both Fords. No animals were harmed in this picture.

Turlock Swap Meet


Camaro Thrash-A-Thon

Cool local place where I got my 1952 Plymouth
