Clean out your spare parts, and build a Dodge Charger. Only things I really need is a motor, tranny, and windshield!
Fight the rust!! Jimmy's rocker gets whacked and replaced.
Boredom/Insanity (And the Jack Daniels!) sets in! This BBQ will never be the same!
The SRT-10 Truck. Awesome, except for the goofy spoiler....
The new GTO. Okay, I guess, for a new car. Will have its tushy whooped by:
The new Chevy SS. I wasn't really paying attention to it, because the announcer lady was wearing really tight leather pants, and had a super nice ass!
Outside the Metreon, where we saw Live 105.3 broadcasting doing some funky game show. There was some cool lights, a picture of my shadow.
The Challenger getting reassembled. Love new parts, especially fresh yummy Poly bushings and stuff. The only front suspension parts I'm reusing are the control arms (which were modified!), spindles, and the, uhh.... that's it, I guess.