How I recieved the Pro-street Beater
It was covered by spots of the original light green metallic paint, gray primer, red primer, bondo, and of course, RUST! Loads of rust, no trunk floor, quarter panels are hashed, as in the rear corners, rear valance, basically EVERYTHING has a lil' bondo or rust or both on it!

Nice, rusty floor. The clean gas tank came out of my other Charger.
I bought this wreck for $1100.00 delivered. Base model Charger, I think it originally came with a 318 LA, 904 Torqueflight (but both are long gone) and an 8 3/4 with 3.23(?) open carrier.
I was told the last owner had a worked 383 and 727 in there, and there's a tic-toc-tac, so I kind of believe it!
The fenders had been totally beaten, the grill was almost completely gone, the valance was hammered, and the front bumper was actually broken into two. Both rear corners have collision damage and need to be fixed, the rear valance is mangled. I'm running out of words to describe how messed up this Charger is. After I got it home I discovered the completely rusted out trunk floor (time to invest in POR-15!). This car wouldn't even make a good parts car, if it weren't for the interior and dash, but I was so heartbroken after the accident I bought the first thing that came along.
There was a little sticker on the driver's vent window that said: INJECTION IS NICE BUT I'D RATHER BE BLOWN
Who would known it would be?

Rusty passenger's side quarter panel

Came from local Frontier Dodge, too!