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1941 ford truck field find

So I'd been talking about an old truck with Pete and he found a tiny little picture of the pickup on Craigslist. He gets in touch with the lady, we go out to check it out and after getting 3000 flea bites we strike a deal for $300.

1941 ford truck field find

The thing had been engulfed in poison oak so I fired up the trusty cordless sawzall and hoped I wasn't allergic to it!

1941 ford truck field find 1941 ford truck field find

1941 ford truck field find

Yeehaw!! Greg rides a hit and miss engine out front!

1941 ford truck field find 1941 ford truck field find

By some miracle half of the tires take air, however it still takes the power of two rigs to yank it out!

1941 ford truck field find 1941 ford truck field find

Gotta say, I'm totally stoked at this project, even though it really is a rusty old piece of crap!

1941 ford truck field find 1941 ford truck field find

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